DesignDecode — 2024-05
Interview with DesignDecode exploring specualtive design, education, so-called AI and how to make design weird again. In-depth opinionating.
“I suppose the point is to generate new ideas between the real and the impossible. We sort of have this myth that ideas are a product of inspiration and genius; that only great (usually) men are gifted with the gestalt power of creativity and imagining new worlds and things.
In my experience both as an educator and designer, new ideas come from comparison and/or synthesis; when you stick two things together and then notice that something is missing or that it creates something new. Given good time, ideas are easy to come up with. The bigger problem is dissuading people of their adult-given conviction that their idea is ‘silly’. I wonder how many great ideas have been lost forever because their human thought they were ‘silly’.”