Tobias Revell

Design Futures Lead at Arup Foresight. PhD in Design and the Construction of AI, Goldsmiths. 47.6% of Haunted Machines


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Tobias Revell

Home page of London-based designer. Design Futures Lead at Arup Foresight. PhD in Design and the Construction of AI, Goldsmiths. 47.6% of Haunted Machines. Founding Director, Strange Telemetry.

Broadcast From Later 24 — 2022-01

Invited to join friends Radha Mistry and Rob Bolton along with Erica Whyte and Valdis Silins to talk about future trends and signals where I talked about what Canon’s decision to remove DRM chips from cartridges tells us about the near future of crypto, the metaverse, right wing politics and ‘put-a-chip-in-it’ mentatility. 

(I know this is one of the only professional pictures of me on the Internet but I really don’t like it. I look like such a dweeb.)


© Tobias Revell 2025